Okay folks, sorry it's taken so long to bring up some new pictures, but Delaney and Kelly decided to take a vacation on the Cape for a few days, leaving me with no camera, and then we've all been playing catch up since then. BUT! Here's some photos from their little vacation.
Her first boat ride out to Nantucket Sound... obviously cousin Mikey understands that Papa Houle drives a little fast since he's offering to hold onto Delaney
While Kelly tried and tried to get Delaney to go for a swim, apparently she wasn't up for it, and just decided to snooze. At least she caught on that hitting the beach is relaxing!
After they finished their beach vacation, they came back up to Rockport where we hung out for a few days, and then we went to Julie and Jay's wedding in western MA. What a great time we had.... including Delaney's first dance with Dad
And now, these more recent days, Kelly and Delaney are spending the day together, relaxing, eating, sleeping, and hanging out. At her one month check up, she weighed in at 10lb, 12oz and grew more than an inch to 23 1/4". She's starting to follow us with her eyes a little more