Well, little Delaney has done quite a bit of traveling the last month. She went to visit her grandparents in North East, PA. While she didn't make it to the Wine Festival, she was kicked out of a winery for the first time (long story, but thanks Spencer!). She had a great time relaxing with Grandpa Whitmore though!
The weekend after the wine festival, we went to the Topsfield Fair for the day, watched the high dive act, saw little piggies racing around a course (and swimming too) and we saw the pumpkin that won first place at the fair

The week after that, Delaney got another cousin! So we traveled to Bernardsville, NJ to visit Willie's brother and sister-in-law AJ and Monica, and their new baby Kathleen Mae. Go figure that after only two months, Delaney would be twice as big! The good news is that everyone is happy and healthy!!