Hello everyone! Sorry for so much time in between posts, but we had a big month! First, we moved. Luckily, we had lots of help from Lola and Papa Houle, Katie and Brian, and Kris. While little Mikey was all ready to help out, he decided to play with Delaney instead!

What else happened that weekend... oh! Delaney got new boots! WOOHOO!

The next weekend we went to Jersey to visit AJ and Monica for our cousin Kathleen's baptism. Although we were only there for one day, we had fun!

The weekend after that, we went to the Boat Show in Boston, and hussled around trying to organize the house before Grandma Whitmore arrived for her visit. While Kelly and I were unpacking and organizing, we snapped a few pictures of Delaney. She seems pretty content with her thumb.
Although she isn't crawling yet.... she loves to sit, and play...
And bounce, and bounce... and bounce....
And Grandma helped out a ton... she helped us put things away, and gave Delaney a few baths.

And just relaxed....
We had sun the entire time she was visiting, which made Gloucester seem extra nice! Here's a picture of the 4 of us in front of the fishermen's memorial (sorry, evidently the person taking the picture missed the top of the fisheremen's head).
Till next time!