Then we headed to celebrate our first Cherry Festival with Kathleen. We helped make breakfast burritos (sort of) and mostly just ran around the church hall as fast as possible laughing and saying "Ahhhhhh"!!!
And dressed in cherry outfits and played with dominoes.
Then, unfortunately, got sick for the big day. We had to leave the firemen's parade early with a runny nose and watery eyes... still smiling though.
We were all better again for Kris and Abby's Jack n' Jill party the next week at Nonotuck Park. It was a super fun party and lots of people came.
But it was pretty hot and Delaney got really thirsty!
At the end of July, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. We went into Boston for a day to ride the swan boats (make way for the ducklings!) and to take a boat tour of Boston Harbor.
Something else special happened that week... Delaney started WALKING!! She finally decided it was time to let go of the furniture and walker toys, and went for it.
She was well on the go for her FIRST birthday on August 11, 2010!! Yippee!!
That weekend, our friends Erin and Derek came to visit and celebrate. We had a great beach day at Good Harbor and then went for ice cream, yum.
We also had a combination birthday party the next weekend with cousin Michael, who turned TWO on August 5, 2010!! Happy Birthday Michael!
A great surprise was the present from Lola and Poppa - a big green John Deere tractor and trailer. It is just like Papa Dale's on the farm! Delaney has already learned to climb on and off carefully all by herself (she can't reach the floor yet though to push it around).
We are looking forward to the next few weeks... we have more tent camping to do with Ollie, a trip to North East for our second Wine Fest (hopefully we won't get kicked out of the winery this year) and to celebrate cousin Kathleen's birthday, a trip to Maine for apple picking, and Kris and Abby's wedding in October! Woo woo : ). It's going to be a fun fall.