Well, we haven't been too good about keeping up with the blog lately. Here's the news from the fall. Delaney had her 15 month appointment in November and she's up to 33 1/4" and 25 lbs. Still well off the charts for height (most people think she's 2 already with her long hair and running around like crazy!). She is doing great though and happy as can be.
She is saying quite a few words now, even a short "sentence" ("more-dat!"), and can really follow directions and respond to questions. It's fun to see her reactions and how she figures out how to express what to she wants or needs. She has figured out how to put on her own hat and to unzip and take off her pajamas, also very good at climbing onto chairs and tables. She loves other kids and goes up to them in stores or wherever and pats them on the tummy or shoulder and says "hiii" with a big smile.
Here are some photos from the things we have been doing. In September, we had a fun time at Wine Fest with Kathleen and Grandma and Grandpa and celebrated our first birthdays.
In October we went pumpkin picking in Gloucester and on hikes in the woods with Ollie.
At the end of October we spent a bunch of time with Michael in Easthampton while Auntie Katie was in the hospital. Lola took them to a farm one day to see the animals and play with the toys and they went trick-or-treating together.

Right before Halloween, we got a new baby cousin Ethan Gabriel! He wasn't supposed to come until Christmas, so he is a little guy - born at 2 lbs. 15 ounces. He did a great job in the NICU and grew a lot and now is at home and up over 5 lbs. We are SOOOOO happy that Katie and Ethan are doing well now. He's a cutie and we can't wait to see him for Christmas.
In November we went to the Boston Children's museum with friends Luke, Natalie, and Jason. It was a great place and there were lots of things to explore and play with.
In early December, we got a Christmas tree and started looking for Santa. First, we saw him arrive in Rockport by lobsterboat!
(He's little but you can see him waving on the deck of the boat).

Then we found him at the local hardware store and even Ollie got to tell him what he wanted for Christmas!
Later in the month, we had our first real family vacation!! We flew to New Orleans for a long weekend for Kelly's birthday. It was a blast and Delaney did an amazing job on the plane and all around the city. She was waving and saying "hiii" to everyone and lots of people played peek-a-boo with her. Her favorite part though, was playing in the pillows on the king-size bed.
We ate a lot of great food, heard some fun music, saw lots of Christmas trees, went to the zoo and some parks, and even got to meet up with some good friends that we had been missing.
Fun dinner at Jacques-Imo's with Ashley and Adam. Delaney had fun people watching (especially Adam!).
Lunch in the quarter with Rachel, Alex, and baby Sebastian who has a fun birthday 10-10-10!!
Happy holidays everyone, and we can't wait to see you for Christmas!