Here's Delaney at a wedding this Spring. We were at a beautiful farm in western MA and we even camped out after all.
Here's Delaney at the Cherry Festival in North East. Posing in her cherry dress, sitting with Grandma, playing the piano with cousin Kathleen, and at the Erie zoo with Papa Dale.
Here's Delaney with her cousins Michael and Ethan at Delaney (2 yrs) & Michael's (3 yrs) birthday party in August.

Here's Delaney hugging Ollie at her birthday party. And below Laney is ating cake with her friends Luke, Harrison, and Peter. No cracks about all of them being boys, I'm nervous enough about that already.
She got a mini vet kit for her birthday! Here she is practicing on baby puppy and her real puppy Ollie.
Playing at Wingaersheek beach on a beautiful September weekend!
Visiting Papa Dale in the fall. She went to the pumpkin patch with Abby and Paige.
Painting the freshly picked pumpkins with cousin Michael back in western MA.
A few weekends later we went back to western MA for little Ethan's birthday party and boy did it snow!! The power went out in the middle of dinner and it snowed about 10" on the weekend before Halloween, a crazy storm that delayed trick-or-treating for a week there.
Little cousin Ethan turned 1! No power for his party but he didn't care, his birthday cake from Naney B blinked just fine : ).